Smart electricity power energy monitoring and controlling system from manufacturer and developer Sailwider-SmartPower


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Save Money on Your Monthly Electric Bill While Reducing Your Carbon Footprint!


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Manufacturer and Developer of
Electricity Monitor and Control System


  太阳电池作为有潜力的可再生能源,在地面上逐渐得到推广。太阳电池的成本及售价也在逐年下降,多年来太阳电池的产量一直以10-25%的增长率在增加。1990年世界太阳能电池组件的产量70MW(兆瓦),我国为 1.2MW,主要是用在太阳光照好的边远地区。到2001年全世界太阳电池的产量达到350MW,我国太阳能电池的实际产量已达到4.5MW,累计安装量已超过20MW。我国是个发展中国家,地域辽阔,有许多边远省份和经济欠发达地区。据统计目前我国尚有700万户(2800万人口),还没有用上电,60%的有电县严重缺电。这些地区在短期内不可能靠常规电力解决用电问题,光伏发电则是解决分散农、牧民用电的理想途径,市场潜力非常巨大。

  目前国际上大量使用的电池为单晶硅太阳电池、多晶硅太阳电池和非晶硅太阳电池三种,这三种电池约各占1/3的市场,我国目前有7个太阳电池生产线,主要是生产单晶硅及非晶硅太阳电池,多晶硅太阳电池也有少量生产。我国生产单晶硅太阳电池的效率在12-13%,多晶硅太阳电池在10%,非晶硅太阳电池在 5-6%。晶体硅太阳电池在研究上是朝着高效率化、薄片化、大面积化的方向发展。1995年我国晶体硅太阳电池组件的参考价格为45元/瓦,非晶硅太阳电池组件为25元/瓦,仍为常规能源的几倍,但在无电地区及拉线不方便的地方,已产生了良好的经济效益。

Electricity Usage Monitors

Wireless Electricity Energy Control System with monitoring function for Home Solar Power Generator Plant

The basic figures contained within a monthly or quarterly electricity bill do not give you much information as to where your electricity is going - they just tell you how much you have used in total during that period and how much totally you need to pay. Therefore it is well worth considering purchasing an electricity usage monitor and using it to see exactly where all your hard-earned money is going.

China Wireless Electricity Energy Saving Monitor System

One great way to find out how much electricity each of your household appliances and electronic devices uses is with a wireless electricity power/energy monitor, which shows you in real time exactly how much money your total home or office electricity usage is costing you. These monitors can help you reduce your electricity consumption by as much as 20% simply by showing you what you are using. Sailwider-SmartPower is a developer and manufacturer of electricity power monitor and controlling system.

uni-directional (1-way) electricity power energy monitor

Most electricity energy monitors in the market are uni-directional (1-way) only, that means you can only get energy consumption information from the monitor. The bi-directional (2-way) electricity power monitoring and control system from Sailwider-SmartPower makes the user not only able to monitor the electricity usage, but also can easily remote control the connected electrical appliances wirelessly, providing great convenience to electricity efficiency management.

bi-directional (2-way) electricity power energy monitoring and control system


home - about us - products - contact us
One-way Electricity Energy Saving Monitor - Two-way Energy Saving Monitor and Control System - Centralized Energy-Saving Management System
Electric Current Limiter/Temperature Limiter - Universal ISM Band FSK Transceiver Module - Solar Inverter

Multi-socket Plug Adapter with Power Display and Alarm Function - Wireless Remote Power Supply Switch Sockets - Electrical Power Supply Timer Switches


Chinese manufacturer and supplier of smart solution for electricity energy monitoring and control.

Shenzhen Sailwider Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.