Smart household electricity energy monitoring and control system from manufacturer and developer Sailwider-SmartPower


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逆变器的概念 、基本结构、分类、技术性能

save electricity in your home - help the environment and cut cost bill

通常,把将交流电能变换成直流电能的过程称为整流,把完成整流功能的电路称为整流电路,把实现整流过程的装置称为整流设备或整流器。与之相对应,把将直流 电能变换成交流电能的过程称为逆变,把完成逆变功能的电路称为逆变电路,把实现逆变过程的装置称为逆变设备或逆变器。

现代逆变技术是研究逆变电路理论和应用的一门科学技术。它是建立在工业电子技术、半导体器件技术、现代控制技术、现代电力电子技术、半导体变流技术、脉宽 调制(PWM)技术等学科基础之上的一门实用技术。它主要包括半导体功率集成器件及其应用、逆变电路和逆变控制技术3大部分。



Manufacturer and Developer of
Electricity Monitor and Control System





5.按逆变器主开关器件的类型分,可分为晶闸管逆变器、晶体管逆变器、场效应逆变器和绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT)逆变器等。又可将其归纳为“半控型”逆 变器和“全控制”逆变器两大类。前者,不具备自关断能力,元器件在导通后即失去控制作用,故称之为“半控型”普通晶闸管即属于这一类;后者,则具有自关断 能力,即无器件的导通和关断均可由控制极加以控制,故称之为“全控型”,电力场效应晶体管和绝缘栅双权晶体管(IGBT)等均属于这一类。







逆变装置的核心,是逆变开关电路,简称为逆变电路。该电路通过电力电子开关的导通与关断,来完成逆变的功能。电力电子开关器件的通断,需要一定的驱动脉 冲,这些脉冲可能通过改变一个电压信号来调节。产生和调节脉冲的电路。通常称为控制电路或控制回路。逆变装置的基本结构,除上述的逆变电路和控制电路外, 还有保护电路、输出电路、输入电路、输出电路等,如图2所示。






Electricity Usage Monitors

The basic figures contained within a monthly or quarterly electricity bill do not give you much information as to where your electricity is going - they just tell you how much you have used in total during that period and how much totally you need to pay. Therefore it is well worth considering purchasing an electricity usage monitor and using it to see exactly where all your hard-earned money is going.

China Wireless Electricity Energy Saving Monitor System

One great way to find out how much electricity each of your household appliances and electronic devices uses is with a wireless electricity power/energy monitor, which shows you in real time exactly how much money your total home or office electricity usage is costing you. These monitors can help you reduce your electricity consumption by as much as 20% simply by showing you what you are using. Sailwider-SmartPower is a developer and manufacturer of electricity power monitor and controlling system.

uni-directional (1-way) electricity power energy monitor

Most electricity energy monitors in the market are uni-directional (1-way) only, that means you can only get energy consumption information from the monitor. The bi-directional (2-way) electricity power monitoring and control system from Sailwider-SmartPower makes the user not only able to monitor the electricity usage, but also can easily remote control the connected electrical appliances wirelessly, providing great convenience to electricity efficiency management.

bi-directional (2-way) electricity power energy monitoring and control system


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One-way Electricity Energy Saving Monitor - Two-way Energy Saving Monitor and Control System - Centralized Energy-Saving Management System
Electric Current Limiter/Temperature Limiter - Universal ISM Band FSK Transceiver Module - Solar Inverter

Multi-socket Plug Adapter with Power Display and Alarm Function - Wireless Remote Power Supply Switch Sockets - Electrical Power Supply Timer Switches


Chinese manufacturer and supplier of smart solution for electricity energy monitoring and control.

Shenzhen Sailwider Electronics Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

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